
Wic approved bread brands
Wic approved bread brands

wic approved bread brands

(infant formula, exempt infant formula or WIC–eligible nutritional) because the use Who have a documented qualifying condition that requires the use of a WIC formula

wic approved bread brands

This food package is reserved for issuance to women, infants and child participants (i) Participant category served and qualifying conditions. Medical documentation must meet the requirements described in paragraph (d) of this Include, but are not limited to, documented formula intolerance, food allergy or inappropriate For situations that do not require the use of an exempt infant formula, such determinations A health care professional licensed by the State to write prescriptions must makeĪ medical determination and provide medical documentation that indicates the needįor the infant formula. In this food package only with medical documentation of the qualifying condition. Not meet the requirements in Table 4 of paragraph (e)(12) of this section may be issued Noncontract brand infant formula and any contract brand infant formula that does § 246.2, with all other infant formulas issued as an alternative to the primary contract Except as specified in paragraph (d) of this section, local agencies must issueĪs the first choice of issuance the primary contract infant formula, as defined in Less than 10 milligrams of iron per liter (at least 1.5 milligrams iron per 100 kilocalories)Īt standard dilution is prohibited. The issuance of any contract brand or noncontract brand infant formula that contains This food package provides iron-fortified infant formula that is not an exempt infantįormula and that meets the requirements in Table 4 of paragraph (e)(12) of this section. WIC provides foods to supplement the diets of pregnant & breastfeeding women, and infants & children under 5 years of age.(iii) Infant formula requirements. Special infant formulas and certain medical foods may also be provided when prescribed by a physician or health professional for a specified medical condition. Milk, eggs, cheese, peanut butter, dry and canned beans, canned tuna and salmon.Fresh, frozen and canned fruits & vegetables ( view Produce Clarifications list, PDF).Baby food fruits and vegetables and meats.At least 50% of the authorized cereals are whole grain. Adult cereals, fortified with iron and folic acid.Which brands are eligible? Oregon WIC has authorized specific brands of: Other License and Certificate Related Topics.Residential and Outpatient Behavioral Health.Birth, Death, Marriage and Divorce Records.Licenses and Certificates arrow_drop_down.Other Health System Reform Related Topics.Other Oregon Health Plan Related Topics.Do you qualify for OHP? (Opens in new window).Log into your OHP Account (Opens in new window).Other Program and Service Related Topics.

Wic approved bread brands